Pedro Páramo Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then one of us will die, but he's not going to get his way on this." (26.14)

One of the victims of Pedro's land-grabbing shows his willingness to fight Pedro to the death over his property. Unfortunately, Pedro made sure to always be on the winning side in these fights. Pedro is the Monopoly Man, and he always has a spare Get Out of Jail Free (or Get Into Heaven For $$$) card.

Quote #5

I wouldn't mention it except that when I see him tossing in his sleep like that I remember what happened to me the first time you did it to me. How it hurt, and how bad I felt about doing it." (30.27)

Here we see sex as an act of violence. Donis takes his sister as his bride, leaving her feeling pain and shame. This gives a whole new meaning to "sisterwives."

Quote #6

"I knew one over at the Media Luna who called himself a divine. What he never 'divined' was that he was going to die as soon as the patrón 'divined' what a bungler he was." (31.14)

This offhand comment by Donis just demonstrates the ease with which Pedro Páramo kills people who displease him. He's like a Mexican Queen of Hearts, complete with a "off with their heads!" motto.