Perfect Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I like winning them." Like every eye on me,/and when those eyes find me fairest of all./What I don't like is what it sometimes/takes to win. Backstabbing. Manipulation. (6.18-19)

If you have to manipulate the game and sabotage the other competitors to win, is it really winning? Do the judges really find you "fairest of all," or are they just responding to your tactics?

Quote #5

To win is to prosper./The game is defeating doubt./And the fun is in the game. (8.5)

Andre thinks life would be boring if it was friction-free, and winning is proof he's smarter and has more endurance than other people.

Quote #6

This isn't about winning./It's about conquering, and when/he errs, there's more than pride/on the line. (13.33-34)

Sean's anger comes out when he's on the field. People who are angry at the world often try to conquer it—it's a way of proving they're right.