Perfect Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Being The Hero/Ain't all bad, and while part/of me wants to go straight/after Cara, most of me likes/soaking up the limelight rays. (19.42)

Sean may feel some genuine love for Cara, but really, she's just another thing he's trying to conquer. Dating the most popular girl in school is another way of getting the limelight.

Quote #8

Shantell is right, you know./You were destined to/dance. If you try to ignore that, you'll be/completely miserable. (36.49-50)

Shantell's not an Andre fan when she finds out he's dating a white girl, but his dancing wins her over. It's the way he begins to redeem himself in her eyes, and she wants him to prove he's worthy of her esteem.

Quote #9

One of the judges,/this brilliant Broadway choreographer,/totally loved me, at least it/seemed that way. He gushed about technique,/and when he found out I've only been training/for a relatively short while,/called me one of the greatest natural talents/he's ever seen. (48.35-37)

Andre isn't sure if the judge is telling the truth or being hyperbolic for the camera, but he'll take the encouragement. Perfection is all about perception instead of reality, and "reality" shows are just another example of this.