Red Harvest Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's not so much the money. It's the principle of the thing. If a girl's got something that's worth selling to somebody, she's a boob if she doesn't collect." (4.66)

Dinah is constantly trying to sell information in exchange for cash. Here we see that Dinah thinks that you'd be a fool for not taking advantage of what you have to get what you want. It's interesting that the word "principles" is tied her, for Dinah, to the corruptive influence of money.

Quote #5

"I've got ten thousand dollars of your money to play with. I'm going to use it opening Poisonville up from Adam's apple to ankles." (7.88)

The Op triumphantly reminds Elihu that he's going to use all of Elihu's money to stir things up in Poisonville. Although the Op doesn't keep the money for himself personally, he does need to have access to it in order to complete his mission, which suggests that money has a powerful grip over everyone in the community.

Quote #6

When I started out, seven to four was being offered that Ike Bush would win, and two to three that he would win by a knock-out. By two o'clock none of the joints taking bets were offering anything better than even money, and by half-past three Kid Cooper was a two-to-one favorite. (9.5)

The Op does a masterful job of spreading false information to affect the odds on the Bush and Cooper fighting match. Gambling is yet another sign of the organized crime that spreads out to the rest of the town.