The Reformed Vampire Support Group Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We'll try not to make too much noise, Mrs. Harrison," he promised, placating Mum with his husky voice and spaniel eyes. (5.37)

Despite his condition, Dave is somehow not too bad looking. He has cute eyes, and even though he's kind of shaggy, he seems to look like the kind of guy that moms approve of. So at least Dave has that going for him.

Quote #5

"Which is another reason Nina is such a good candidate […] She's small, she's childish, and she's not intimidating." (6.85)

Here, Sanford's voicing his opinion about why Nina's a good pick for the road trip to Cobar to see if they can uncover clues about their vampire hunter. In case they manage to talk things out with the slayer, Nina doesn't look very scary, so she might be able to convince them that she's not a threat. Hey, it's worth a shot…

Quote #6

When Casimir was finally released from his underground confinement, back in 1973, he looked just like a bog mummy. […] His tongue was kippered, his teeth were loose, and his eyeballs had shrunk to the size and consistency of dried peas. (7.6)

That sounds thoroughly unpleasant. Sure, it probably isn't fun to be locked up for decades, but it also wreaks havoc on your appearance. Casimir was apparently pretty creepy-looking to begin with. If he looks even worse than usual upon release…. yikes. Somebody get him to a spa, pronto.