The Reformed Vampire Support Group Inertia Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I have to do it," he went on. "I have to do something. Because if I don't, I won't be able to live with myself." (18.113)

Father Ramon drops a truth-bomb on the vamps: He has to do something to help Reuben, even if it's as indirect as placing an anonymous phone call to the police, because otherwise he won't be able to live with himself. Maybe it's because Father Ramon's a priest with an activist streak, or maybe because it's because he's a human, and so not afflicted with the vampiric lack-of-caring… but he definitely shows here that he has a strong moral compass, and he intends to do something instead of just sit back.

Quote #8

"We have to get Reuben back ourselves," Horace insisted. "We have to!" (20.2)

Of all the vamps, we didn't imagine Horace would be the one to urge Nina to action. He seems kind of derpy, you know? But here he is, telling Nina that they have to rescue Reuben. Of course, Nina was just sick to her stomach, so she's not thinking straight. Horace probably has some kind of agenda or ulterior motive. Why else would a typical vamp volunteer to be helpful?

Quote #9

"You can still live like a human being, even if you are a vampire," I continued. "Even if it is a lot harder to be energetic, and excited, and involved, it can still be done." (28.64)

Okay kids, let's get meta: Nina is talking to Dermid about being active and involved as a vampire, and in doing so, is being active and involved as a vampire herself. Mind blown, we know. What makes it especially active is that Dermid's waving a gun at Nina while holding Nefley hostage and demanding that his dad (whom he bit) be released. Yep. Nina wins a price for being active in this scene.