Repossessed Plot Analysis

Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice.


Body Snatcher

It all begins when Kiriel steals a body. But this isn't just any body; it's a teenager living a rather mundane life. Our favorite Fallen angel decides he's in need of a vacation—stat. He takes Shaun's body right before the guy is about to be hit by a bus. He doesn't think about the consequences or whether anyone will mind; he's only thinking of himself. This is our initial situation because without it, we wouldn't have a book.

Rising Action

Deranged Demon

Things start to get complicated when Kiriel figures out that being human isn't all it's cracked up to be. He likes being away from home, but he can't help but feel that he doesn't know how to react the way a human would. Sure, he can go through the motions. But what happens when Shaun's family don't have him around anymore? As Kiriel starts to feel the consequences of his actions, he figures out just how complicated life can get.


K is for Kiriel

Kiriel reaches a turning point when he decides to leave his mark on the world. It's not much, but he knows he can help change a few people's perspectives about life. He starts with the people in Shaun's life, and before too long, he's made a bully, a brother, and a crush think about things a little differently. Hey, it might not be world peace, but it's a start.

Falling Action

Life is beautiful

At first, Kiriel figured he'd just mess around on earth and have a grand old time, but here's the thing: He starts to realize just how great life can be. In the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes we all forget that. Kiriel decides he wants to make the most of the time he has left and get some answers from the Creator, so he visits a church and asks, but hears nothing back. This is our falling action because Kiriel starts to be okay with the fact that he might never get the answers.


Shaun Lives Another Day

When the angel tells Kiriel that Shaun can have a re-do of the whole getting hit by a bus situation, he's relieved—finally, he's made a real impact. He knows he can't stay on earth forever, but he'll settle for the fact that he saved Shaun's life. Even though Kiriel has to head back down below, he's happier knowing he made a difference. Aw.