Repossessed Summary

How It All Goes Down

When demon Kiriel gets sick of his job watching people suffer in hell, he decides to take a vacation. First stop? America to steal a body. If he's going to experience life, then he'll have to have a shell, now won't he? So he takes the body of a teenage boy, figuring no one will notice.

Luckily, no one does. It's not long before Kiriel has taken over everything in Shaun's life, and no one bats an eyelash… except Shaun's pet cat. Good kitty. Kiriel wants to live the high life, so he explores his new human body, which includes hopping into the shower and discovering all kinds of things about sex he never knew before. Of course, he's not exactly getting any, but he makes it his mission in life to hook up with a girl—he is in the body of a teenage boy, after all.

In the meantime, though, Kiriel has to deal with Shaun's annoying little brother, Jason. The kid's always hanging around playing video games, giving Shaun a hard time. Kiriel knows they fight like cats and dogs, but he wants to change that, so he starts being nice to Jason; he even invites him over to his buddy Bailey's house to play video games with them. Jason accepts, and though he's reluctant at first, he starts having a good time. Kiriel makes Jason promise he'll try to make friends with some of the kids in his class.

Kiriel also gets a bully to rethink his ways… sort of. He sees this guy Reed picking on everyone all the time and stands up to him. They don't have a heart-to-heart or anything, but he gets Reed to back off for once in his life. Kiriel figures the more impact he can have on earth, the more his little jaunt will be worth it.

Next up? Making a girl in Shaun's class fall in love with him. He tries to get Lane to fool around with him, but it turns out it doesn't work that way with high school girls. Since Shaun's barely talked to the girl, Kiriel only gets as far as first base. Still, though, he enjoys himself and figures it's better than anything that's happened to him in hell.

Eventually, a search party comes looking for Kiriel, and he's told to pack his bags and go to hell. Literally. He's sad to leave his new life behind, but he gets it—he doesn't belong here. Plus, now Shaun gets to live again since Kiriel no longer needs his body. And since the big guy upstairs doesn't take kindly to demons stealing bodies, he grants Shaun some extra time on earth. Sweet. Kiriel goes home knowing he made a positive impact, which isn't too shabby for a demon.