Repossessed Themes

Repossessed Themes

Life, Consciousness, and Existence

For a demon, Kiriel has a huge appreciation for life in Repossessed. He loves looking at squirrels and tasting new foods, and he thinks riding the bus with his head out the window is a thrill. Can...


First things first: Spirituality is not religion. Instead, spirituality can be any number of things to any number of people—spirituality is more about personal feeling than formalized practice. A...

Coming of Age

We usually think of coming-of-age stories as distinctly human-based—a youngster heads out into the great wide world and learns how to be a grown-up in the midst of all its troubles and strife. Je...

Fate and Free Will

For a book that features a Creator—who's totally a shout-out to God or some other singular entity responsible for, er, creating everything—and the Boss, who rules the roost in hell, Repossessed...

Guilt and Blame

Let's play the blame game, shall we? In Repossessed, Kiriel's life is rough because the Boss rebelled against a bunch of unrealistic rules the Creator set up—it isn't Kiriel's fault at all. While...

Wisdom and Knowledge

We're not talking about the type of knowledge you get from studying—when it comes to Repossessed, we're talking about the kind you get from experience. Sure, Kiriel knows a bunch of stuff intelle...


If Twilight teaches us anything, it's that living forever isn't all it's cracked up to be. True, you can experience more, but you also have to deal with more pain and suffering. No one knows that b...


For anyone who's ever belted out a rendition of "I Can't Get No Satisfaction," Repossessed is a book for you. Kiriel is completely dissatisfied by his life as a Fallen angel. He's sick of seeing pe...