Revolver Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The Esquimaux called it ivu, "the ice that leaps ," but Einar took it as another strange omen of the desolate world to which he had foolishly brought his family. (9.2)

Einar second-guesses his decision to take his family to the arctic because of the freezing temps, the violence, and the lack of gold, yet they do seem to find happiness there in their own way. We just wonder if everyone would have survived if they never trekked to Alaska in the first place.

Quote #5

He could remember his mother barely at all, not even her face, and they hadn't had any photographs made that might now stimulate a recollection—of her gentle eyes perhaps, or the long, dark, wavy hair that Anna had inherited. No, nothing like that, but he could remember her as a feeling, a soft and warm feeling, making him safe and happy. (17.6)

Check out how he describes his mom here. It's not important that he doesn't remember much about her, because what he does remember makes him all warm and fuzzy inside.

Quote #6

His friends left, and Einar hurried the other way up the street, heading for home, while his friends congratulated Einar on having such a beautiful wife, even if she did quote the Bible too often for their comfort. (22.42)

We're told a couple different times that Einar and his fam are unusual in that the whole family moved to Alaska. Most of Einar's buddies didn't bring a wife and kids along for the journey, which makes the Anderssons stick together all the more.