Revolver Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Einar said, putting the box on the table. "You can open your eyes. Good. Inside this box is the most beautiful thing in the world." (18.16)

If we were asked to think of one hundred words to describe a gun, we're not sure beautiful would be at the top of the list. Einar sees the intricacy and design behind the weapon though, and to him, that's what makes it beautiful in a complex way. Yet his wife dies from one too, and there is nothing beautiful about that.

Quote #5

"But what happens when the bullet hits something?" she said. "Someone, I mean. That's not beautiful. That's terrible." (18.44)

After Maria dies, Anna takes up the torch for talking poorly about the gun. She doesn't get how her dad could call something beautiful when it killed her mom. The truth is, the gun itself might be an amazing invention, but it does horrible things, so can we ever separate the two in our minds? For Anna, the answer is no.

Quote #6

He tried not to smile, for Anna's sake, but inside he felt the best he'd ever felt in his whole life. It had felt amazing, incredible, indescribable. It hadn't been frightening at all. (18.56)

Have you ever shot a gun? If you have, was it easy? If you haven't, what do you think it would be like? Sig feels a rush when he shoots the revolver, but later he wonders whether that's frightening in it's own right.