Suffering Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“What about me? Look at me. My life is over.” (20.5)

This quote is from some random wolf whose name we don't remember and never hear again. Her suffering is selfish and borderline comical like this horrible 80s song. At least it would be funny if she didn't go off and kill people. That puts a damper on the humor.

Quote #5

I smelled them: the metallic stink of blood, the sweaty odor of fear, the earthy scent that matched the dirt. (31.34)

One thing about these supernatural werewolf senses: they can smell suffering. On top of this, the whole process of the first transformation is one big ol' suffering show.

Quote #6

“Someone attacked Paul. He's a mess, ripped to shreds.” (45.23)

It's possible that Shelby attacked Paul. He was attacked by another wolf, and we know, by this point, that her M.O. is to cause suffering. We're just not sure if it was her, and if so, why.