Suffering Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I sighed and listened to [Jack] groan, wail, scream. (47.60)

Sam's reaction to Jack's painful transformation: a sigh. He's been through this level of suffering himself, seen it multiple times in others, and just plain doesn't like Jack. So he doesn't really seem to care about the torture Jack's going through.

Quote #8

[Sam] bowed his head and I watched his shoulders ripple and shake, watched the silent agony of the change until that one soft, awful cry, just when he lost himself. (52.42)

It's more poignant when Sam changes than when Jack does, partly because we're seeing it through Grace's eyes, and she actually cares about Sam. His suffering in this case is less because of the physical pain of changing, and more from the emotional pain of losing Grace, and his humanity, forever.

Quote #9

The howls were the hardest thing to bear. (56.1)

The howls show suffering on both sides. The wolves are suffering, and Grace is suffering having to listen to them. They're just a reminder of what she will never be.