Splendors and Glooms Chapter 14 Summary

November the Fourteenth at Juniper Bough

  • Grisini sits in a bar by himself and drinks while he waits, taking out his watch to admire the wolf and swan.
  • He'll have to go back to his lodgings soon, disguise himself, and then go to the cemetery … where he will obviously collect his ransom.
  • Grisini is pleased to have found such an easy victim in Dr. Wintermute, who's already lost four children. He'll obviously give any amount of money to have Clara back.
  • But then, out of nowhere, he feels a flash of heat that almost knocks him over. He immediately knows what has happened: Cassandra Sagredo is summoning him.
  • He tries to leave the bar, but he keeps hearing her voice and feeling his body spin around and move in a certain direction. Cassandra's magic is strong enough that she can pull him in, even from far away.
  • Instead of giving in, though, Grisini decides that he'll try to disobey Cassandra, at least for a few hours. He needs to go collect that ransom first.
  • He heads toward home and doesn't notice that he's being followed until he has almost reached his destination.