Splendors and Glooms Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Do you think Cassandra is actually evil? How about Grisini?
  2. How do the deaths of her siblings affect Clara and her family?
  3. Why do you think Clara decides that Lizzie Rose and Parsefall are her new siblings at the end?
  4. Why is Clara able to destroy the phoenix-stone when someone as powerful as Cassandra could not?
  5. Why does Grisini turn children into puppets?
  6. How do Clara's parents change from the beginning to the end of the book?
  7. Do you believe that Cassandra ever loved Marguerite? Why or why not?
  8. Why does Grisini want the phoenix-stone for himself? Do you think he would be able to control it?
  9. How does magic play into the story in Splendors and Glooms? Is it seen as a force for good or evil?
  10. How does Lizzie Rose's innate goodness shine through in the story? Does she ever struggle against it?