Splendors and Glooms Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The witch burned. She tossed in a sea of blankets, dizzy with heat. It was fever, not fire, that tormented her, fever and the nightmares that came with it. (P.1)

There's a price to be paid for hanging onto something as powerful and dangerous as the phoenix-stone. Cassandra is starting to understand that it's not all fun and games—the stone is going to kill her if she's not careful.

Quote #2

Lizzie Rose was hungry. As she pushed the puppet stage through the streets, her nostrils drew in savory odors from the street vendors: roasted chestnuts, baked potatoes, and coffee. Her stomach growled, complaining that she had eaten nothing since breakfast. At noontime, Grisini had bought his usual sausage roll—she could smell the garlic on his breath—but he hadn't brought anything home. (2.1)

Grisini is completely indifferent to the suffering of the children, hoarding all of the food for himself and leaving nothing for Lizzie Rose and Parsefall. They have to go work for him without anything in their stomachs. How cruel.

Quote #3

She bent her head and brought up one hand as if to cover her face. "Of course, it was dreadful for Mamma. For Papa, too, but Mamma nearly died of grief." She cleared her throat. "It was seven years ago. I'm twelve years old today." (3.34)

Poor Clara has grown up in a pretty bleak household, especially when it comes to her parents. She has to tiptoe around her mother, who is always in mourning and is easily upset.