- Zombie's in Reznik's office, requesting that Nugget gets special permission to skip that morning's job. It must be something awful.
- Reznik's not hearing it. Sorry, Nugget. You're going to have to do this awful job.
- Turns out the job is processing and disposal (a.k.a. P&D). Of bodies. Dead bodies. Ew.
- Over breakfast, Zombie explains the job to Nugget. All those dead bodies have to go somewhere.
- A large white tent has been set up for the occasion. Everyone gets to work. Nugget stays close to Zombie.
- The infected bodies are "Teds." The uninfected are "unTeds." There are a lot of both.
- There are three steps to P&D. Step one: carry the body to a table. Step two: process it (remove any valuables from the body). Step three: burn the bodies.
- Zombie notices a cute girl. She's in Squad 19. He asks around about her, but no one's talking.
- After four hours, Zombie takes Nugget for a break.
- Nugget seems to be doing okay—maybe better than Zombie, even.