Things Not Seen Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When I woke up this morning, I got scared. Not scared like the last four mornings. Not scared by the sudden rediscovery that my body is missing. I got scared because I woke up already knowing that I'm like this. That means I'm getting used to it. Nothing's changing, and I'm just rolling along, going with the flow. (14.11)

What if Bobby's life just stays this way forever and nothing ever changes? That would mean that he wouldn't be able to go back to school, or go to college, or get a job someday. He'd just be stuck with his invisible body and no future opportunities.

Quote #5

She hangs up and turns to me, cold and serious. "Don't answer the phone, Bobby. If Dad isn't around or if I'm not home, just let it ring. Do you understand?" (17.3)

Bobby's life and movements are already super limited by the fact that he's invisible, but now he has to worry even about making phone calls or getting on the Internet. It's like his whole world is shrinking. Bummer.

Quote #6

She says, "Well maybe it's not crazy, but so what? Let's say you could actually find someone else who's invisible, then what? What good does that do?" (17.46)

Alicia may not understand why Bobby is so dead set on finding out if there are other invisible people out there, but she'll still support him in achieving his goals. Because that's what friends do.