Things Not Seen Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm missing the old Mom, who would show up once or twice a day, give an order, and then get on with her busy life. Suddenly, it seems like I'm her life. (8.4)

Bobby's mom doesn't leave him alone more now that he's invisible, and instead, she turns up the nag factor. He'd better find a cure for his situation quickly—otherwise he's going to go crazy stuck at home with just his parents for company.

Quote #5

"And it was like my parents couldn't see me either. They just saw this thing that was suddenly helpless. They're better now, but still, I'm not their wonderful daughter they were so proud of anymore. Now I'm a big job, a job they can't get rid of even if they wanted to." (13.47)

Ever since Alicia's accident, her role in the family has shifted dramatically—but for the worse. She's no longer her parents' bright, successful daughter. Now she's just like an infant to them; they have to take care of her and fuss over her all the time.

Quote #6

Alicia makes a face. "Yeah, she works on me. I'm her big job. She used to work for a public relations company, did a lot of traveling to New York and LA. Now she does a little writing and a little consulting and a lot of looking after Alicia." (18.22)

It's obvious that Alicia would much prefer it if her mom just stopped nagging and stalking her. But she knows that it's out of love… her mom doesn't know how else to take care of her daughter now that she can't see.