Things Not Seen Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I know where you are right now, Bobby. I've been there too. I have. And if it hadn't been for Nancy, I'd have probably tried to kill myself or done something else really stupid, stuff like you're talking about. So I'm going to be your Nancy. I'm not giving up on you, no matter how long it takes for things to get better, or even if things never do get better." (17.76)

Alicia's not going to give up on Bobby, even when he's angry and frustrated and confused. That kind of behavior might scare other people away, but Alicia is well-versed in it. After all, that's how she dealt with her own problem.

Quote #8

We both hang up, but it's like there's still a connection. I can feel it.

And it feels good. (17.88-89)

The whole invisibility fiasco might be a huge pain in the butt for Bobby and his family, but at least one good thing comes out of it: He makes a friend who will stick with him through thick and thin.

Quote #9

By the time we get to the couch in the family room, I'm cured. I can get back to being mad some other time. Right now, I'm just glad to be with Alicia. (18.105)

Alicia may be testy and sarcastic all the time, but she can also be a great distraction. Bobby even gets over the fact that he's furious with his dad for ignoring him when she's around—she just knows how to cheer him up.