Things Not Seen Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then she stops laughing. And she says, "I think you're so brave, Bobby. Really. Like, to go and visit your mom? And this afternoon, telling me about what's going on? That was brave too." (12.47)

Bobby may not feel brave, but Alicia sees him for who he really is: a boy who is willing to do anything to set things right again. Even if he doesn't have a clue what he's doing, he's still going to carry on with his life.

Quote #5

[…] I'm being a detective. I start by writing down everything I can remember about the two days before the suspect disappeared. What the suspect ate, what he wore, where he went, who he talked to, where he sat, how many times he washed his hands—as much as I can remember… Because there must be a clue somewhere. People don't just disappear. (14.24)

There's nothing left to do now but start playing detective in order to figure out what caused Bobby's invisibility. He's going to leave no stone—or blanket—unturned.

Quote #6

I cut in. "Guys, you know, it might be time to just tell them what's really going on. You haven't done anything wrong. This is my problem, and they're trying to stick the blame on you." (16.46)

It's nice and all that Bobby's parents are willing to serve jail time for him, but he knows that it's not their fight. He's got to figure out this situation himself, because it's his responsibility and his life.