The Sixth Sense Scene 9 Summary

  • Now Malcolm and Cole's mom, Lynn, are sitting in Cole's house together. Cole enters, and his mom tells him he can tell her things if he wants to. Maybe she wants the real scoop on what happened in the pantry?
  • She then tells him about her day, but it's obviously complete fiction—winning the lottery, etc. He responds in kind with his own fantasies.
  • This is obviously just an inside joke between the two of them (but we enjoy it too, obvi). Guess this is how they cope with how crummy their lives are sometimes....
  • Lynn goes to make Cole pancakes, and Malcolm asks Cole if he wants to sit and talk to him. Cole indicates he doesn't feel like talking today.
  • Malcolm offers to play a mindreading game instead. If what Malcolm says is right, Cole takes a step forward.
  • If not, he takes a step toward the door. He'll end up sitting with Malcolm or out the door. Cole agrees to play.
  • Malcolm does pretty well at first, but then he starts getting things wrong. It's not bad, though, because his mistakes get Cole talking—talking about his struggles in school, his dad leaving, etc. You know, the stuff Malcolm was going for in the first place. Crafty. Guess Malcolm deserved that award after all.
  • Unfortunately, this all ends when Cole says he thinks Malcolm is nice but can't help him. Why the pessimism, little dude?