Decameron Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Decameron? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Boccaccio describes friars as:

Terrible dressers
Devoted to their flock
Hypocrites and deviants
Q. Fortune is thought of as:

A fickle woman with a lot of power
Easily bought off by wealthy gentlemen
A huge fan of Vanna White
Controlled by Satan
Q. The "rules" of courtly love

Allow a woman to marry whomever she wants
Require a man to please his lady, no matter what it takes
Guarantee a happy ending
Don't you mean "Courtney Love?"
Q. Close friendship between two men in the Middle Ages is considered:

Less important than family ties
Completely deviant
The first use of the term "bromance"
The most ideal relationship
Q. According to general consensus of the storytellers, a woman should:

Guard her virginity with her life
Stay 100% faithful to her husband
Take sexual opportunities whenever they're offered
All of the above