When authors refer to other great works, people, and events, it’s usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.
Literary and Philosophical References
- Larry Niven (9.50)
- Vernor Vinge (9.50)
- Robert Heinlein (9.50)
- Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (9.47)
- Tolkien, The Hobbit (9.49)
- Gary Wills, Why I Am a Catholic (24.10)
- Analog (25.5)
- Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain (27.23, 25, 31.5)
Historical References
- George Washington (2.4)
- Napoleon (2.4)
- Bill Gates (2.4)
- Adolf Hitler (6.59)
- Martin Luther King, Jr., "Free at last, free at last." (10.2)
- Einstein (21.37)
- Jews (23.52)
- Egyptians (23.52)
- Christians (23.52)
- Romans (23.52)
- Pilgrims (23.52)
- Nelson Mandela (24.1)
- Bird Man of Alcatraz (24.1)
- Rear Adm. David Farragut, Battle of Mobile Bay, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." (26.6)
- Gestapo (27.1, 22)
Pop Culture References
- Game Boy (1.44)
- James Bond (2.6-13)
- Orson Welles (1.43)
- The Three Stooges (1.6, 1.35)
- The Borg, Star Trek, "Resistance is futile" (12.78)
- X-Men (1.44, 13.68, 17.19, 28.17, 30.6, 30.44)
- Elvis Presley (12.7)
- Spider-Man (12.74)
- Suicidal Tendencies (15.34)
- Metallica (21.44)
- Eminem (21.44)
- Xbox (24.1, 26.1)
Religious References
- Catholicism, throughout
- Kahuna, Jason's nickname
- Book of Genesis (13.80)
- Moses (4.1, 10.62, 23.47, 27.53)
- Jesus 6.59, 6.112, 23.47, 27.53)
- Nicene Creed (6.106)
- Holy Communion (6.109-113)
- Mormonism (8.8)
- Scientology (8.8)
- Ten Commandments (10.62-63)
- Franciscan monks (13.65)
- The Beatitudes, Gospel of Matthew (15.79)
- Sermon on the Mount, Book of Matthew (15.80)
- Jonah and the whale (19.4)
- Apostle Paul (20.30, 24.1)
- Buddhism (2.12, 14, 10.70, 23.40)
- Hinduism (23.40)
- Martin Luther (23.47, 27.49)
- Muhammad (23.47)
- Moses, "Let my people go," Exodus 5-10 (23.47)
- Eden (23.48)
- Cain (24.1)
- Judas (24.1)
- Adam and Eve (26.5)
- Antichrist (30.40)
- Satan (30.40)
- Muslim (31.49)
Brand Names
- Amoco (11.35, 48, 29.25)
- Coke (9.37, 39)
- M&M (4.71)
- Mountain Dew (5.13, 7.2, 11.36, 38)
- Nike (6.54)
- Pop Tart (9.1)
- Reebok (10.1, 27.76)
- Oreo (22.1, 6)
- McDonalds (25.29, 38, 44)
- Eiffel Tower (30.53)
- World Trade Center (30.53)