godless Chapter 18 Summary

  • Though the hacksaw snaps before Henry completely saws through the lock, with a couple of whacks the lock gives way and slides off the top of the tower, disappearing over the side. They hear a clang and a shout. The lock has almost hit Magda on the catwalk below.
  • Shin has left—Magda couldn't find him.
  • Back at the top Henry and Dan are peering into the tank opening. Henry shines his flashlight inside to reveal a platform. Then he jumps down. Soon he's stripping down to his skivvies, and he jumps into the water for a swim; Dan and Magda remove some clothing and join him. Jason finds this "completely crazy, irresponsible, dangerous, and immature" (18. 61). So of course he goes for a swim.
  • Unfortunately, when he jumps from the platform he knocks the flashlight into the water. It's blacker than black inside the tank. The swimmers flail around a bit, trying to find the ladder, but bump into each other and the side of the tank. They end up forming a human chain, linking hands and swimming across the tank with the goal of running into the ladder.