godless Chapter 9 Summary

  • Jason heads to the water tower to figure out how Henry climbed it. Shin shows up so Jason asks him about the weird way he talked to Magda at Wigglesworth's. Shin says he'd been channeling the Ten-legged One. Jason laughs… But he wonders briefly whether Shin is kidding.
  • Jason goes to Henry's house. Henry invites him in and offers Jason a Coke. "This is the friendliest [Jason's] ever seen Henry. He seems almost normal" (9.38).
  • Jason is surprised that Henry had been reading, and impressed by the size and orderliness of his collection of sci-fi novels. The two talk sci-fi, while Jason is mildly weirded out by how peaceful it all is.
  • Jason asks Henry how he got up the tower. Henry wants to know what Jason, Dan, and Shin are up to though, so Jason tells him that they are Chutengodians. When Henry hears Magda is too, he wants to join.