godless Chapter 25 Summary

  • Jason visits Henry at home. His right leg is in a cast, hip to toe; Jason signs his cast, and is taken aback that Magda has already been there and signed it.
  • Henry's friends Mitch and Bobby arrive, toting McDonalds. Mitch clearly doesn't want to share with Jason, but Henry tells him it's a commandment, "'Treat your fellow Choots right'" (25.33). What's a Choot? What commandments? Henry has written six commandments and he's invited his "stooges" (Jason's word, not ours) into Chutengodianism. Magda helped come up with the commandments.
  • Jason goes from speechless to protesting. He nullifies the commandments, but Henry laughs him off. When Jason likens his Head Kahuna role to that of the pope, Henry declares that the Choots are Protestant and don't recognize the pope. It's a schism, Choots versus Chutengodians—and Henry calls the tower off limits to the others, and that Magda is with the Choots.
  • Jason beats his mom home from bridge and thinks he's in the clear, until Mrs. Schinner calls and he's busted. His mom seems to think Jason is behind Shin's shenanigans too. Poor Jason—he just can't catch a break.