If Only Chapter 15 Summary


  • Corinna continues crushing on Alex. Clare's brother and Alex's brother are friends, so Clare's on it with the reconnaissance. Go team.
  • School continues to be… well, school. Corinna forgets to turn in homework assignments, dislikes her social studies teacher, Mr. Spinolli, wears mismatched socks and worries that the other kids will notice, and finds release in soccer.
  • In other words, on top of grieving, she still has to deal with eighth grade.
  • After soccer practice one day, her dad is twenty minutes late picking her up, and Corinna flips out. She calls him, but he doesn't answer. She imagines the worst.
  • When he finally arrives, it turns out he was just stuck in traffic. He promises her a spaghetti (not ziti) dinner to make up for upsetting her.
  • Corinna is glad when Aunt Jennifer calls him to confirm her trip. She hopes Aunt Jennifer can talk some sense into her dad.