If Only Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Grief is hard. Really hard. And you can't put the cap back on when you want to, like you can with a tube of paint. (1.1)

Corinna compares the year after Sophie's death to a bruise. In the fall, everything is black, but by spring, the black has a yellow and purple halo—she's not healed, but she's healing.

Quote #2

Some people say that the heavens are crying when it rains. I guess they're really crying tonight, crying with me. (4.1)

When you're sad, bright and sunny days can feel like they're mocking you. The gray, stormy sky matches Corinna's mood.

Quote #3

My dad said he thought Dr. R. was having a hard time accepting that she couldn't fix my mom. When she finally stopped chemo and all the other stuff, Dr. R. seemed kind of mad. (8.5)

Corinna doesn't understand that Dr. R. wasn't mad at Sophie; she was mad at cancer. After all, she's an oncologist—she knew Sophie was dying. How could you not be mad about (not at) the patients you can't save?