If Only Chapter 7 Summary

The Box

  • Flashback to Sophie's funeral: It was on August 10, and it was held at a music hall where Sophie and Deborah played with their trio eight months earlier. (Sophie played viola; Deborah plays cello.)
  • Corinna sat in front with Aunt Jennifer, Sophie's sister.
  • Just as her dad joined them, an old man walked in and started yelling, "Where's Sophie?" Someone had to explain to him that her ashes were in the small box on the table at the front of the room.
  • After the funeral, back at Corinna's house, there was lots of food. The baked ziti was good, but there were also nine pans of it… As for the Jell-O molds, well, they're never a good idea.
  • Aunt Jennifer said Corinna could call her in California anytime, to talk about anything. Corinna wished she lived closer.
  • That night, while her dad slept on the couch, Corinna went into their bedroom and tried on her mom's clothes and shoes.