If Only Part Three: Winter / Chapter 18 Summary

Wishful Thinking

  • Corinna can't concentrate in band, and she's not practicing her flute enough at home; she screws up in rehearsal, and Mr. Morgan asks her to stay after class for a talk.
  • Alex sees the whole thing go down. He smiles at Corinna on his way out the door, which would be awesome if he hadn't just witnessed her complete humiliation.
  • By talk, Mr. Morgan means guilt trip—he asks Corinna what her mom would think about the fact that she's not practicing.
  • Corinna says Sophie probably wouldn't like it, but she's just not sure she's into the flute anymore.
  • Mr. Morgan doesn't love that answer, and he tells her to talk things over with her dad.
  • Corinna's really glad Clare's coming over that night, at last. She finally feels comfortable inviting someone to her house, but just for dinner and a movie. Sleepovers still aren't happening.
  • Corinna tells Clare the story of Mrs. Simmons, their nosy neighbor who used to drop by all the time when her mom was dying. One time Mrs. Simmons actually took pictures of her mom lying in her hospital bed in the living room. So terrible, right?
  • The rest of the weekend is pretty uneventful—that is, until Corinna's dad tells her they're going to Deborah's house for dinner.
  • Corinna's nervous, and Deborah makes Brussels sprouts (which Corinna hates), but her dad actually seems to have an okay time. He and Deborah do a lot of reminiscing about Sophie.
  • Before they leave her house, Deborah offers to go to the upcoming Parents' Night at Corinna's school, since her dad has to work at his school that night.
  • Corinna says no, and Deborah seems surprised.
  • On the drive home, Corinna's dad says Deborah was just trying to be nice. Corinna wants to remind him that Deborah's not her parent, but she stays quiet.