If Only Chapter 39 Summary


  • The day after the sleepover (which Corinna not only survives, but actually enjoys) is April Fools' Day, a.k.a. the anniversary of the day they found out Sophie had cancer.
  • In the grief group, Ms. DuBoise suggested honoring anniversaries, so Corinna makes a little altar out of rocks and shells, writing "Love you," "Miss you," and "Mom" on three of the rocks.
  • She and her dad light a memory candle at dinner; they drink Mango Tango (Sophie's favorite beverage) out of wine glasses and listen to her favorite viola music.
  • As they're cleaning up, her dad suggests asking other people to help them make a list of fond memories. Corinna's surprised—it's the most he's talked about Sophie since she died.
  • Corinna realizes she's ready to have lunch with Deborah, but she's not sure how to tell her.
  • She goes for a walk, carrying Sophie's quilt; it feels like her mom's spirit is swirling around her.
  • She sees a duck on the water by itself and wonders if it lost its mate, since ducks are supposed to mate for life. Then another duck swims up to it, they quack at each other, and she feels better.
  • Back home, Corinna notices the daffodils she planted with Sophie are blooming. Spring flowers are nice, but they also remind her of when Sophie got sick.
  • She wonders how you're supposed to reconcile the good memories with the bad.