If Only Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Everyone—worst of all, my friends—has pretty much avoided me all summer. But now they won't be able to. And everyone else… Well, I figure if they don't already know my "news," as soon as they find out, I'm going to be the class freak. Or the class pity project. (3.5)

Going back to school is hard enough without grief piled on top. Corinna's not sure if it would be worse to be ostracized or pitied, but either way, it's no wonder her stomach hurts.

Quote #2

Walking down the familiar hallways, I feel strangely alone. Alone even though there are tons of kids everywhere. Alone even though some of them are my friends. (3.23)

Our internal worlds often take precedent over our external ones. The way you perceive what's going on around you depends on how you perceive what's going on inside you.

Quote #3

It feels like I'm on a separate planet from everyone else. The kids at school are on Planet Normal, the planet I used to belong to. Their lives are going on as if nothing had happened. And then there's me. I'm on Planet Doom and Gloom. I don't know if I'll ever get back to Planet Normal. (3.60)

What was that we said about being an alien? The good news is that once you get out of middle school, Planet Normal starts to seem less and less appealing. Planet Doom and Gloom has way better music.