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If Only Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I know Mom talked to you about some of the body changes girls go through. She was certainly more of an expert on those kinds of things than I am, but if you have questions about that stuff, maybe you can ask Aunt Jennifer, or Deborah, or…" (12.6)

Okay, Dad, listen to us: We're Team Joci's Mom all the way on this one. Give that woman a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves and a Victoria's Secret gift certificate and tell her you need her to do you a solid.

Quote #2

"Oh, and one last thing, honey. When you need supplies at the drug store or the grocery store or wherever you buy those things, just go ahead and toss them in the cart, okay? I don't want you feeling embarrassed." (12.16)

Way to tell your daughter the most embarrassing thing in the world, and follow it up by telling her not to feel embarrassed. Still, Corinna's dad is lost in his own grief, and he's doing the best he can. He might not realize Corinna needs clothes, but at least he realizes girls have periods.

Quote #3

When did you get your period? When you said you were a late bloomer, is that what you meant? When am I going to get mine? Almost all of my friends have theirs already. Is there something wrong with me? Does being sad make your period come later? (12.19)

This is one of those times when we wish Sophie had written Corinna a letter before she died, or at least filled in a few more pages in her journal. Our hearts are breaking over here.