Please Ignore Vera Dietz Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'd rather pay class by class at community college, and deliver pizza at night while I live cheap in Dad's house. Then, when I graduate, I can actually start fresh, rather than starting with a hundred-thousand-dollar stone around my neck. (2.2.14)

Ken Dietz really does have an influence on his daughter, even if she won't admit it. He's gotten her to make smart decisions when it comes to making sure that she isn't shackled to financial debt. But Vera doesn't realize that something like addiction (to alcohol) can tie you down, too.

Quote #5

I guess the next argument would be that James doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. That's true. At least he can admit it. I'd rather go out with a guy who's facing his s*** than a guy who's running from his s***. (2.4.13)

James may seem like a deadbeat loser to some folks (ahem, Ken Dietz), but Vera finds some charm in the fact that he's so unapologetic about his underwhelming life choices. At least he admits that he's still figuring things out.

Quote #6

He stops me at the end of the drive and turns me to look at him. "Look. Don't screw your life up. There's plenty of time to get drunk and hang out with boys. That guy's too old for you." (2.10.16)

When Vera gets pulled over with James, even the police officer can see that she's headed down the wrong path. Instead of arresting her, he lets her off with some fatherly advice.