Please Ignore Vera Dietz Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He hasn't asked me again about clearing Charlie's name, and I'm hoping he'll let me do it in my own time. Because clearing Charlie's name is way more complicated than he thinks. (4.4.95)

Vera's dad doesn't mention anything about clearing Charlie's name because it's not his place to make that decision. Because Vera is so closely tied to Charlie, she's the one who can ultimately save his reputation or destroy it forever.

Quote #8

"You see? This is the kind of thing I was talking about when it comes to responsibility. You need to have a vision of community, Veer. What if that guy—what if—what if he does that when the Girl Scouts come around to sell cookies?" (5.1.14)

When Vera brings up the guy who flashed his junk at her when she delivered pizzas, her dad is appalled that she didn't call the police. In his mind, it's her duty to report that kind of behavior… even though there are other things that he's told her to ignore in the past, like the abuse going on at the Kahns'.

Quote #9

"All you ever said was, 'Ignore it, Vera.' and now you think this creep from last night is worth talking about? Get a grip, Dad. That's the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard. And that asshole is still beating her up. He's still getting away with it. You're still letting him get away with it." (5.1.26)

Vera hates the fact that her dad never did anything about Mr. Kahn's violent abuse toward his family. The way she sees it, he's complicit in the abuse because he's letting Mr. Kahn get away with it.