Please Ignore Vera Dietz Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All I know about Apocalypse Now is that it's about Vietnam. I can't even remember who starred in it. What I do remember is Charlie's hand and how strong it was, and how he rubbed my palm with his thumb and how he smelled of buttery popcorn. (3.9.7)

Based on the memories that Vera has with Charlie, their relationship could have ended up so differently. Maybe if Charlie had stuck with his path—you know, the one where he pursued Vera and ended up with his best friend—things wouldn't have turned out so terribly.

Quote #8

I remember thinking, If I distance myself, his crazy s*** won't rub off on me. I won't become a wife-beating asshole. I remember daydreaming, One day, I will make enough money to rescue my mother. One day, I will come back and make him sorry he ever had me. One day, I will show him what a real man is. (4.5.15)

From his vantage point on the other side, Charlie remembers that he meant to change his destiny and to be a different kind of man than his father was. But he ended up messing it all up anyway.

Quote #9

This is a very serious step we're taking—clearing Mom out of this house. Making my peace with her brings me one step closer to making my peace with Charlie. (Which brings me one step closer to making my peace with myself.) (4.7.13)

Six years later, it's finally time for Vera and Ken Dietz to clear out all the reminders of her mother. After all, she's never coming back and they need to come to terms with that fact.