Red Harvest Dinah Brand Quotes

"What's it worth to know?"


"I'll tell you for a hundred bucks."

"I wouldn't want to take advantage of you that way."

"I'll tell you for fifty bucks."

I shook my head.

"Twenty-five." (16.34)

Notice how quickly Dinah drops down her asking price from 100 to 25 bucks in exchange for giving Op information on Noonan? She is so desperate for money that she's sell her information for whatever price the Op agrees on. Is this greed talking or an unhealthy obsession, or both?

"What's the idea of not wanting any of this information I'm offering? Think you can get it cheaper?"

"Information of that kind's not much good to me now. I've got to move quick. I need dynamite to blow them apart." (16.55)

Dinah is so blinded by her obsession with money that all she can think of who might be selling this information for a better price. But of course the Op is only interested in an explosive situation and isn't willing to shell out money on a lead that won't lead anywhere.

She let go of my lapels, put her hands behind her, and laughed in my face.

"All right. Keep it to yourself – and try to figure out which part of what I told you is the truth." (4.128)

Dinah's pretty good at hiding the truth herself. She lies often to the Op, and carries many of Whisper's secrets, as well as the explosive information about Tim's death which out not to be true at all. Is Dinah's lying different from the Op's lying? In what ways?