Red Harvest Dinah Brand Quotes

"They're saying you turned rat on him."

"They would. What do you think?"

"Ditching him was all right. But throwing in with a dick and cracking the works to him is kind of sour." (17.74)

When Dinah rats out Max to the Op, Dan Rolff calls her out on it and she gets sore. Sometimes when friends lie for each other, a powerful web of trust is created. But when friends turn on one another and begin ratting each other, that's when the bodies really start to drop

Dinah Brand

Quote 11

The girl scowled and said disagreeably:

"I can expect anything I want. And he's got no right to talk to me that way. He doesn't own me. Maybe he thinks he does, but I'll show him different." (10.40)

Dinah's defiance and self-sufficiency really shine through here. She refuses to let anyone push her around, and even though she's unashamed of her obsession with money, she won't allow anyone to "own" her. This assertive femininity is a key characteristic of the femme fatale figure.