Red Harvest Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"How do I know you'll try to do anything?"

I risked a little truth on him:

"You said you had a hunch what I'm up to here in Poisonville. Then you ought to know that it's my play to keep Noonan and Whisper split." (14.51)

In this exchange between MacSwain and the Op, there's an interesting use of the phrase "risked a little truth." It is interesting that in the deceptive world of Red Harvest, it's more of a risk to tell the truth that it is to lie.

Quote #8

"They're saying you turned rat on him."

"They would. What do you think?"

"Ditching him was all right. But throwing in with a dick and cracking the works to him is kind of sour." (17.74)

When Dinah rats out Max to the Op, Dan Rolff calls her out on it and she gets sore. Sometimes when friends lie for each other, a powerful web of trust is created. But when friends turn on one another and begin ratting each other, that's when the bodies really start to drop

Quote #9

"What did you do to Noonan? I mean how did you strip him and Reno?"

"I told the others that he had known all along that MacSwain killed Tim. That was the only lie I told them." (20.28

During the peace conference held at Elihu's house, the Op plans on putting the final finishing touches to his master plan of isolating each of the gangsters so that they have no one to trust or turn to. The only lie the Op says the whole time concerns Noonan's knowledge of who really killed her. This lie turns out to be the most morally questionable one because it means that the Op is much more directly responsible for his death.