Red Harvest Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I wanted a cigarette, but cigarettes were too well known as first aids to the nervous for me take a chance on one just then.

McGraw was trying to look through my eyes. I let him look, having all sorts of confidence in my belief that, like a lot of people, I looked most honest when I was lying. (22.15)

After the Op becomes a possible murder suspect for Dinah's murder, we start seeing small ways in which he betrays his nervousness, which is only natural. However, the Op is so hyper-conscious of his every gesture and move that he still manages to control his fears. And the most important quote in the novel that sums up the theme of lying and deception occurs when the Op makes the paradoxical statement that he "looks most honest when I was lying."