The Reformed Vampire Support Group Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For your information, my father was a waste of space. He left Mum the minute he heard that she was pregnant, and died two years later in a car crash. (7.60)

Nina doesn't have a good relationship with her dad, because she doesn't have any relationship with her dad. He ran out on her mom after finding out she was pregnant, and died a couple years after that. Nina doesn't seem particularly bothered by this, since it happened so long ago, but she does put her foot in her mouth by insulting her dad's actions when Dave is in earshot. This is because Dave also abandoned a pregnant girlfriend (though under different circumstances where he had less control over things).

Quote #5

God, I felt bad. Because if there's one thing that Dave regrets more than anything else, it's the way he abandoned his pregnant girlfriend some thirty-odd years ago. (7.64)

Poor Dave. Both he and his girlfriend were just teenagers, and as soon as her parents found out their daughter was knocked up, they moved her far away. Dave was turned into a vampire shortly after. So we've got multiple familial relationships in this short anecdote: the relationship of the girl to her parents (who seem pretty controlling), and Dave's relationships with his girlfriend and unborn child. There's a lot going on there, and none of it's easy.

Quote #6

Nothing will ever lessen the guilt he feels about deserting the mother of his unborn child. And what makes it even worse is the fact that he can't have any more kids, because vampires aren't capable of reproducing. Not in the normal way, at least. We can only pass on our infection. (7.68)

Well, that's cheery. If you didn't get a chance to reproduce while you were a mortal, it's gone when you become a vamp. No second chances. Maybe Dave would've been a good dad, and maybe not, but now he never gets to find out. None of the vamps do.