The Reformed Vampire Support Group Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What's the matter with you, Horace?"

"The matter with me is that I have to pay rent! Unlike some people who live with their mothers," Horace snarled. (20.9-10)

Horace sure seems to be holding a grudge here. Apparently he didn't have a family to support him in his transition to being a vampire, or at least he doesn't have a family anymore (since he was infected in the early 1900s). Whatever the cause, he resents Nina for having a mom to look out for her (which includes providing her with free housing).

Quote #8

Unfortunately, Reuben seems to have anticipated a prodigal-son kind of welcome from his family. He's suffered so much that his perceptions are slightly skewed, and he can't understand why Dane won't simply forgive and forget. (29.10)

Let's remember that Reuben, as a werewolf, is a seventh son. And he didn't come from a happy, healthy family, either; his mom died when he was young of an alcohol-related disease. When he disappeared for five years thanks to the McKinnons kidnapping him, it apparently upset his brother Dane, who assumed that Reuben had irresponsibly run away and stayed out of contact. So even though Reuben had a legit excuse for not being in touch, he's having a hard time reconciling with his remaining family.

Quote #9

Barry's had to miss a lot of meetings. His transformation was especially hard—perhaps because he was infected by a blood relative. (29.13)

It's hard enough to forgive your sister for "borrowing" your favorite sweater… Can you even imagine trying to forgive someone in your family for turning you into a vampire? Barry definitely doesn't make it look easy.