Revolver Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Wolff filled the room like a threat, ominous, sinister and unknowable. He was covered almost entirely by his long leather greatcoat, once stark black but now a softer, mottled thing of shadows. His face still unsettled Sig, and now he realized it was the man's eyes that had this effect on him. (14.16)

These lengthy descriptions about Wolff's subtle movements and appearance give us an idea of what he's really like—with the added bonus of scaring us a bit too. Notice how Wolff's described in animalistic terms here, moving about the shadows like a snake, very secretively.

Quote #5

With a twinge of fear, Sig realized that it spoke of a complete absence of any need to follow rules. A man who will defile the sanctity of the dead will surely think nothing of breaking any of the laws of the land or the laws of God. (15.4)

What's really scary about Wolff is that he doesn't care what Sig—or anyone for that matter—tells him to do. He marches to the beat of his own drum and is happy to make his own rules, whether they hurt people or not.

Quote #6

"Do you see what I mean now? It's perfect, and if perfection is beauty, then this is the most beautiful thing in the world. A piece of man's incredible ingenuity, a machine, perfectly designed around the hand of man." (18.36)

It frightens Anna to hear her dad and bro talk about a gun like this, especially since her mom died from one. We get the sense that this is a different type of fear than when Wolff shows up at the cabin though, because there is something darker and trickier happening here.