Revolver Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The only frightening thing was how easy it had been, but it would be years before he understood that. (18.57)

When he shoots the gun, Sig's surprised by how naturally it comes to him. At the time, he's excited, but later, he wonders if that's the best feeling. We see that Sig goes through different emotions when it comes to guns, and fear is often involved.

Quote #8

It made sense now. Why they'd run almost all their lives, and what it was Einar had been running from, what he'd been scared of. It was like hearing the other half of a story that had been hidden from her. All that time, Einar had been waiting for Wolff to track him down. (29.51)

We totally get it—if we'd been running our whole lives, we might feel afraid too. The thing is, Sig's not really sure what to feel afraid of since he hasn't been aware he's been running this whole time.

Quote #9

She swallowed her fear, and suddenly feeling the need for some kind of help, wondered where her mother's little black book was. Without knowing it she longed for the faith it contained, for the hope it might give, where there was none. (29.53)

When in trouble, Anna turns to the Bible. She's not sure whether she believes it quite like her mom, but she knows it can calm her fears—at least a little bit.