Revolver Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Always tell the truth. Never lie, for Satan uses lies against us. Turn the other cheek. Be good and peaceful and avoid the path to evil." (30.1)

Maria's advice to Sig is so simple, and yet Einar isn't even following it. This is tricky for Sig to understand because he thinks his dad is hypocritical for going along with this advice while he lying to his family the whole time.

Quote #8

His mother had always taught him to speak the truth and to believe in it as the only path to God, and yet Einar had kept the truth from them for years and landed them in this mess. (30.9)

We want to know: Is the fact that Einar lied the problem, or is the problem that the truth finally came out? The way Sig states this makes us think it might not be the lie itself, but what happens afterwards. What do you think?

Quote #9

I have something for all of you, but I have hidden it until I know it is safe for you to have it. One day, a man will come. And only when he has gone again, will it be safe for you to have it. When he has gone, take this map and start a new life. I know you can do this, for you are all wonderful and clever people. (39.15)

The note from Einar finally tells Sig the truth about the gold—and where it is—but it doesn't say how his dad got the gold. It seems like Einar is only interested in sharing bits and pieces with his family, even after his death.