Revolver Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

It had been years until they'd found out how he'd done it; how he'd smuggled all that gold from right under everyone's noses, grain by grain all through that season. One day Sig had bumped into an old miner from the Alaskan gold rush, who'd told him about all the dodges under the sun, including the one about how gold dust will stick to damp fingers, which can then be transferred unseen to hair that's been slicked carefully through with hair oil. (39.17)

Years later, Sig and his family learn the truth about how Einar stole gold without people knowing. The only thing is, we're not sure if the truth helps them at all—while it's good to know, there is no big reveal or nasty consequences for the lies they believed all those years. In the end, we're not sure if the truth matters to the characters.