Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

Quote #4

DAVID: I used protomatter in the Genesis matrix.

SAAVIK: Protomatter, an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable.

DAVID: But it was the only way to solve certain problems.

SAAVIK: So, like your father, you changed the rules.

We get more into this in the Technology theme, but the film does consider the dangers of unrestrained exploration. Seeing as we never know what we'll find around the unexplored corner or the consequences of our discoveries, the story suggests we need to make careful decisions on what we explore, how, and why.

Quote #5

SAAVIK: My lord, we are survivors of a doomed expedition. This planet will destroy itself in hours. The Genesis experiment is a failure.

KRUGE: A failure. The most powerful, destructive force ever created. You will tell me the secret of the Genesis torpedo.

This scene shows us exactly why we must be careful in our scientific explorations. Genesis is a dangerous device because of its destructive potential. The film explains this using the techno babble term "protomatter," but it doesn't take much to make the mental jump from protomatter to split atom to atomic bomb.

Quote #6

MCCOY: I'm all right, Jim.

KIRK: What about Spock?

SAREK: Only time will answer. Kirk, I thank you. What you've done is—

KIRK: What I have done, I had to do.

Kirk didn't believe in Vulcan mysticism at the film's beginning, but he explored its potentials all the same. His leap of faith ultimately leads to him saving his best friend. Although the film doesn't shy away from the dangers of exploration, it ends on a note suggesting it remains necessary for the betterment of the future. And that's just classic Trek, right there.