Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

Quote #4

MORROW: No. Absolutely not, Jim. You're my best officer, but I am Commander of Starfleet, so I don't break rules.

KIRK: Don't quote rules to me. I'm talking about loyalty and sacrifice. One man who's died for us, another with deep emotional problems.

In this scene, Kirk decides his loyalties lie with Spock by disregarding a direct order from his superior officer. Morrow made a similar decision earlier, deciding his loyalty was with politics and public opinion rather than with his officers.

Quote #5

SCOTTY: As promised, she's all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her.

KIRK: Thank you, Mr. Scott, I'll try not to take that personally. [Sighs.] My friends, I can't ask you to go any further. Dr. McCoy and I have to do this. The rest of you do not.

CHEKOV: Admiral, we're losing precious time.

Like Kirk, the crew of the Enterprise decides their loyalty lies with their admiral and Spock. This is no small sacrifice. They're throwing away careers they have worked years to build. And what about their 401Ks? No offense to the original crew, but some of them were already nearing retirement by Trek III.

Quote #6

KIRK: Saavik? David?

SAAVIK: Admiral, David is dead.

KIRK: You Klingon bastard, you've killed my son. [Whimpers.] You Klingon bastard, you've killed my son! You Klingon bastard.

David must also choose where his loyalties lie in the film. Like his father, he chooses loyalty to his friends, realizing that the Genesis project is a failure. Unlike his father, it doesn't end so well for him.