Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Quiz True or False

1. This character is the former communications officer of the Starship Enterprise. She steals a transporter to help Kirk and crew steal the Enterprise but only after putting Mr. Adventure in the closet. -> Uhura
2. This character is the chief engineer of the Enterprise. He sabotages the USS Excelsior so the Enterprise could escape to Genesis. He can be a little on the sarcastic side. -> Simon Pegg
3. This character is the helmsman of the Enterprise. He helps Kirk with the jailbreak of Dr. McCoy by flipping a really tall dude. It was an integral part of the plan. -> Sulu
4. Now an Admiral, this character was the original captain of the starship Enterprise. Too easy? Fine we'll make the next one harder then. -> Kirk
5. This character is the former navigator and security chief of the Enterprise. He, um, doesn't do much for this adventure but he does manage to throw in a "wessel" or two for nostalgia. -> Chekov
